The Digiverse is a new way of interacting with digital communities. It is a data-driven approach to building worlds that people can interact in. It focuses on starting with a persistent source of truth that people can interact with using whatever technology they wish.
A New Digital World
The Digiverse is a reimagining of the digital world. With the advent of powerful mobile phones, development of extensive cloud infrastructures, and the advancement of generative A.I., we can build worlds that feel real to us. We can create a combination of community, social media, and video game worlds in a way that creates a unique experience that we can share with others.
Interactive Persistent Universe
The function that all Digiverses share is that they are interactive persistent universes. This means that the universe has an immutable history that the world continues to add to based on individual interactions. All entities that interact with the world must abide by this history.
Medium Agnostic
The Digiverse operates like an API and does not care which medium it is interacting with. Whether it is a simple phone app or a complex virtual game, it will interact with it in the same way. This allows users to interact with the world in which ever way they feel best. This will mean that each medium should offer a unique way of interacting with the universe.
verseOS & verseAI
Every Digiverse will have its own way of managing how entities interact with it. These rules and processes will be referred to as the verseOS. In many cases a universe will also have a verseAI that provides services to the entities.
Digiverse vs. Metaverse
The main difference between the two is that a Digiverse is data-driven and a Metaverse is visually-driven. By separating itself from the medium used, a Digiverse is able to be more accessible and expansive than a Metaverse. It also allows it to stay relevant over time as tastes change within a medium.